Workshop Descriptions

A. Jerusalem Archives and Archaeology in Galilee

Laurie Parrish, Friday evening
As a team member of the organization Holy Land in Depth and leader of the pilgrimage ministry at St. Paul’s, Laurie Parrish has spent some months in the area each year since 2012. She will share her experiences on an archeological dig and researching and cataloguing the historical archives of a Jerusalem church institution.

B. Legacy Enlightened Through Storytelling

Karen Metsker, Friday evening
Author Karen Walner Metsker will share unique ways to strengthen your legacy through reading, writing, storytelling and gift giving as you reach past cultural and generational barriers with God’s word. Her writings will be in the author area.

C. Organize and Classify Your Church Library

Ann Pool and Ann Johnson, Friday evening
Join us for a hybrid workshop/roundtable discussion on the different ways to organize and classify a church library, what has and hasn’t worked and what we might do differently.

D. Church Libraries: Facing the Future

Nicholas Gregg, Saturday morning
Library Science student Nicholas Gregg discusses how church libraries can face the future in modern, sustainable, and cost-effective ways in light of rapidly advancing technology.

E. Indian Boarding Schools

Marilyn Burwell, Saturday morning
This session will describe the efforts within the indigenous community to bring attention to the Indian boarding schools and their long-lasting effects upon former students and address why we need to know more about this issue.

F. Book Share

Sue Eloph, Saturday morning
Are you excited about your latest read? Bring that book to this discussion and share it with others at your table.

G. A Thread of Three Strands: how fiber arts and textile history can deepen a reading of Scripture

Joi Weaver, Saturday afternoon
Joi Weaver, a St. Paul’s fiber artist, will present some Bible passages and explain the context of the fiber contained within them. She will give a brief demo of some ancient fiber techniques.

H. Telling Our Stories

Kathy Furtado, Saturday afternoon
We all have important testimonies. It’s easier than ever to share these now. This workshop will help you get started. Look for her book Days of Awe in the author area.

I. Collection and Weeding Policy Roundtable

Facilitator TBD, Saturday afternoon

Bring your policies to share and discuss with others.